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"Zoltan" mixes up the pre-Christmas period in MV too

Shortly before Christmas, it gets stormy again in the north. Ferries are canceled, Christmas markets close early and a major event in Rostock is canceled.

A windsock blows in the wind in stormy weather.
A windsock blows in the wind in stormy weather.

Storm depression - "Zoltan" mixes up the pre-Christmas period in MV too

Stormy instead of white winter weather has also disrupted the pre-Christmas period in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The shipping company Scandlines, for example, temporarily suspended its services between Rostock and Gedser in Denmark due to the gale-force winds expected in MV from Thursday evening. Ferry services are expected to resume on Friday afternoon.

The traditional Christmas carol concert in Rostock's Ostseestadion was canceled at short notice. Thousands were supposed to sing "O du fröhliche" or "So viel Heimlichkeit" again from 6.30 p.m. on Thursday evening. The organizers, together with the event management, had decided that the safety of the performers on stage and the guests arriving and departing could not be guaranteed, according to a statement on Thursday afternoon.

For safety reasons, the stage construction may not be entered above a certain wind speed, the organizers announced. In addition, there was a danger for all those arriving, as there were numerous trees around the Ostseestadion that could be damaged by the storm and could injure people with falling branches.

In Neubrandenburg, those responsible decided to close the Weberglockenmarkt in the afternoon rather than in the evening and, according to the organizers, the Rostock Christmas market was also to close earlier on Thursday and open later on Friday.

The Weiße Flotte shipping company also canceled ferry trips due to the predicted storm. Accordingly, the last ferries to and from Hiddensee were scheduled to depart on Thursday afternoon and not run at all on Friday. The Wittow ferry in the north of Rügen also stopped operating. In Rostock, the Rostocker Straßenbahn AG (RSAG) stopped operating the Warnow ferry up to and including Friday.

The German Weather Service (DWD) had issued a storm warning for the Baltic coast from Rerik to Vorpommern. There was a risk of gale-force winds from 8 p.m. on Thursday evening until midday on Friday. Trees could be uprooted or roofs damaged. The DWD called on people to keep their distance from buildings, trees, scaffolding and high-voltage power lines. Staying outdoors should be avoided if possible. Gusts of wind and, in some cases, heavy squalls were expected inland.

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