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ZLB director in favor of moving the library to Friedrichstraße

The Director General of the Berlin Central and State Library (ZLB), Volker Heller, is calling for the institution to move to Friedrichstraße. "I ask the city's coalition parties to make a smart and forward-looking decision," he announced on Monday. "Berlin must not let this unique opportunity...

Volker Heller, Director of the Berlin Central and Regional Library Foundation, holds a key.
Volker Heller, Director of the Berlin Central and Regional Library Foundation, holds a key.

Senate - ZLB director in favor of moving the library to Friedrichstraße

The Director General of the Berlin Central and State Library (ZLB), Volker Heller, is calling for the institution to move to Friedrichstraße. "I ask the city's coalition parties to make a smart and forward-looking decision," he announced on Monday. "Berlin must not let this unique opportunity for Berliners to soon be able to use a well-equipped central library in the center of the city pass them by."

The proposal by Culture Senator Joe Chialo (CDU) to use the Quartier 207 building complex in Friedrichstraße for the ZLB should be pursued further and its implementation made possible, the press release states. The library's move into the building would also lead to a considerable revitalization of Friedrichstraße.

The Galeries Lafayette department store is currently located there. At the beginning of October, the French company announced that it would be closing its branch on Friedrichstraße at the end of 2024.

A new location has been sought for the Central and State Library for years, where the two locations on Blücherplatz and Breite Straße could be merged. Culture Senator Chialo has spoken out in favor of Quartier 207, but the proposal has not always met with approval.

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