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Zieschang wants to deport "endangerers" to Syria

This week, the conference of federal and state interior ministers is discussing the question of whether and how Syrians and Afghans classified as dangerous could be deported to their countries of origin. Saxony-Anhalt has submitted a motion to this effect.

Tamara Zieschang stands in front of the state reception center for refugees in Stendal.
Tamara Zieschang stands in front of the state reception center for refugees in Stendal.

Minister of the Interior - Zieschang wants to deport "endangerers" to Syria

This week, the conference of federal and state interior ministers is discussing the question of whether and how Syrians and Afghans classified as dangerous could be deported to their countries of origin. Saxony-Anhalt has submitted a motion to this effect.

"The federal government must open up ways in which deportations and controlled voluntary departures of high-risk individuals can be carried out in individual cases, especially to Syria and Afghanistan," Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang told the German Press Agency before the start of the autumn conference in Berlin on Wednesday. In her view, this applies not only to Islamist "Gefährder", but also to people who have committed serious crimes.

Especially against the backdrop of the "repatriation offensive" announced by the Ampel coalition, there should be no "bans on thinking", the CDU politician demanded. "All legal and actual possibilities must be exhausted to protect our own population," she added. Zieschang referred to the enormous effort that the police have to put into monitoring so-called dangerous individuals.

The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) is currently aware of almost 500 Islamist "Gefährder". The BKA defines "Gefährder" as people who the authorities believe are capable of committing the most serious politically motivated crimes, including terrorist attacks. Since the Taliban took power in August 2021, there have been no more repatriations to Afghanistan. There is a deportation ban for Syria due to the situation in the country.

The case of a Palestinian who was deported from Saxony-Anhalt via Jordan to the West Bank in 2018 is seen in Magdeburg as an example of how deportations to countries where it is complicated are also possible in individual cases.

Read also:

  1. At the upcoming conference of Interior Ministers in Berlin, the issue of deporting individuals classified as dangerous from Germany to Syria and Afghanistan is a key topic of discussion.
  2. Tamara Zieschang, the Interior Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, advocates for the federal government to establish mechanisms for the controlled deportation or voluntary departure of high-risk individuals, particularly to Syria and Afghanistan.
  3. The prohibition of deportations to Syria is currently in place due to the instability in the country, while no repatriations to Afghanistan have occurred since the Taliban took power in August 2021.
  4. In the case of a Palestinian individual who was deported from Saxony-Anhalt via Jordan to the West Bank in 2018, authorities from Magdeburg have shown that in certain cases, deportations to complex countries can be successfully executed.
  5. Interior Minister Zieschang emphasizes the importance of exhausting all legal and actual possibilities to protect the German population and criticizes any "bans on thinking" in relation to terrorism and migration.


