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Zieschang: Cannabis legalization is the wrong step

Saxony-Anhalt's Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang believes that the federal government's planned legalization of controlled cannabis distribution is the wrong step. "The illegal drug market will not disappear as a result. Experience from other countries shows that," explained the CDU...

Saxony-Anhalt Minister of the Interior Tamara Zieschang (CDU).
Saxony-Anhalt Minister of the Interior Tamara Zieschang (CDU).

Domestic policy - Zieschang: Cannabis legalization is the wrong step

Saxony-Anhalt's Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang believes that the federal government's planned legalization of controlled cannabis distribution is the wrong step. "The illegal drug market will not disappear as a result. Experience from other countries shows that," explained the CDU politician after the conference of interior ministers in Berlin. If anything, drug-related crime will increase. Legalization will also have a negative impact on road safety." The conference of interior ministers reportedly spoke out unanimously against the legalization of cannabis.

The traffic light coalition parties had recently agreed on the details of a draft bill. According to the bill, cannabis is to be removed from the list of prohibited substances in the Narcotics Act. Home cultivation and possession of certain quantities of the drug are to be permitted for adults from April 1, 2024. Joint cultivation clubs are also to be made possible from July 1.

Conference of Interior Ministers

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