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ZF wants to close plant: Works Council is outraged

After the automotive supplier ZF announced plans to close its plant in the Gelsenkirchen district of Schalke, the works council has reacted with sharp criticism. Achim Dietrich, Chairman of the ZF General Works Council, said he was outraged by the management's decision, which was published on...

Automotive supplier - ZF wants to close plant: Works Council is outraged

After the automotive supplier ZF announced plans to close its plant in the Gelsenkirchen district of Schalke, the works council has reacted with sharp criticism. Achim Dietrich, Chairman of the ZF General Works Council, said he was outraged by the management's decision, which was published on Monday. "The employees and their families are going into the Christmas vacations feeling insecure."

The location, which currently has around 200 employees, is to be closed by the end of 2024 due to high losses. "We have dedicated specialists and a newly renovated infrastructure there," said Dietrich. "If the Board of Management had the will, production there could be fully utilized."

The plant produces steering systems for cars and commercial vehicles. It had already been threatened with closure in 2018, when it continued with fewer staff. In the hope of orders for electric steering systems for trucks, the company said it was prepared to accept losses in the millions. But the orders never came. "In my opinion, the closure of Schalke is a directional decision by the Management Board against the sites in Germany," said Works Council member Dietrich.

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