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Zeschmann rejected as a member of the Constitutional Commission

The AfD parliamentary group in the Brandenburg state parliament remains without a seat on the Parliamentary Control Commission (PKK), which scrutinizes the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. When he stood as a candidate in the state parliament on Wednesday, Philip Zeschmann, a...

Philip Zeschmann (l), member of the AfD parliamentary group, casting his vote during the session
Philip Zeschmann (l), member of the AfD parliamentary group, casting his vote during the session of the Brandenburg state parliament.

Parliament - Zeschmann rejected as a member of the Constitutional Commission

The AfD parliamentary group in the Brandenburg state parliament remains without a seat on the Parliamentary Control Commission (PKK), which scrutinizes the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. When he stood as a candidate in the state parliament on Wednesday, Philip Zeschmann, a member of the state parliament who had joined the AfD parliamentary group, did not receive a majority. In the vote, Zeschmann received 50 no votes and 19 yes votes. There was one abstention. This means that the majority in the state parliament has rejected all 24 members of the AfD parliamentary group as representatives in the PKK in this legislative period since 2019.

The AfD parliamentary group has therefore already taken legal action before the state's constitutional court for a seat on the committee, but was unsuccessful. The state's highest judges ruled in September that the AfD parliamentary group was not entitled to have its representatives elected to the committee. The Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution classified the AfD state association as a suspected right-wing extremist organization in 2020.

Zeschmann was a member of the SPD from 1987 to 2011. He later joined the Free Voters and sat in the state parliament for the BVB/Free Voters parliamentary group from 2019. In November, he left this parliamentary group and joined the AfD parliamentary group as a non-party member. As a result, the remaining four BVB/Freie Wähler MPs lost their parliamentary group status because they now have fewer than five members. They are defending themselves against this in the state constitutional court.

Read also:

The AfD parliamentary group in Potsdam, the capital city of Brandenburg, was aiming to secure a seat on the Parliamentary Control Commission (PKK) in the Brandenburg state parliament, but their efforts were unsuccessful. Philip Zeschmann, a former SPD member and current non-party member of the AfD parliamentary group, was one of the candidates for the position, but his nomination was rejected with a majority vote. The ruling means that the AfD parliamentary group in Brandenburg has no representatives on the PKK, which scrutinizes organizations suspected of threatening the constitution, such as the Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which classified the AfD state association as a suspected right-wing extremist organization in 2020.


