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Zelensky speaks at Ukraine gathering in Berlin: Address at the German Parliament

Zelensky Visits Berlin for Third Time Since Russian Attack, Focusing on Reconstruction Instead of Military Aid in This Occasion. A Glimpse into the Evening Events.

Police emergency vehicles take up position at the Hotel Waldorf Astoria Berlin.
Police emergency vehicles take up position at the Hotel Waldorf Astoria Berlin.

Political Affairs - Zelensky speaks at Ukraine gathering in Berlin: Address at the German Parliament

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently traveled to Germany and is scheduled to attend an international reconstruction conference in Berlin on Tuesday. He will deliver his opening speech alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Zelensky has visited Berlin three times since the commencement of the Russian invasion, which occurred over two years ago.

On Monday evening, Zelensky relayed his impending arrival on platform X, stating, "Due to Russia's air terror, urgent solutions for Ukraine's energy sector will be our primary focus."

Approximately 2000 attendees, hailing from around 60 countries, are projected to participate in the reconstruction conference. This event is not a donor conference where funds for rebuilding Ukraine are collected, but rather it is designed to facilitate networking between politicians, business leaders, civil society members, and international organizations. The conference's ultimate objective is to facilitate the development of initiatives related to business promotion or job training.

Development Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) has expressed her excitement about the gathering, stating that it signifies a strong alliance in support of Ukraine. Schulze emphasized that under the ongoing war conditions, it is crucial to begin working on rebuilding the country.

Ukraine faces pressing needs, as civilians require shelter, electricity, water, and healthcare. Schulze contended, "The country can't wait until the war is over. People need those essentials now, as well as civilian support to withstand the war."

The conference is being held at the Berlin fairgrounds, and in honor of Ukraine, the iconic capital landmark, Funkturm, has been illuminated in the country's blue and yellow colors. The Berlin Television Tower at Alexanderplatz is also slated to be illuminated in those hues on Tuesday and Wednesday night.

Zelensky is planning several meetings, including ones with Scholz to discuss additional military support, the expansion of Ukrainian air defense, and joint weapons production. He will also engage with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Bundestag President Bärbel Bas. Additionally, Zelensky intends to visit a military aid station where Ukrainian soldiers receive training.

Zelensky spoke with German lawmakers on March 17, 2022, only three weeks after the Russian invasion. During that address, he implored Scholz for increased military support, stating, "Dear Federal Chancellor Scholz, tear down this wall. Give Germany the leadership role it deserves."

Germany is currently the second largest supporter of Ukraine after the United States in terms of military and financial aid. Nevertheless, Chancellor Scholz continues to maintain a degree of ambiguity regarding Ukraine's requests. He will not supply Taurus-missiles with a range of 500 kilometers and is opposed to sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine, unlike French President Emmanuel Macron, who recently announced that his country and others would send military trainers to the conflict zone.

Germany is not the only nation keeping its stance, as the United States is also refraining from participating. Scholz countered these decisions at a campaign event in Duisburg, professing, "There will be no soldiers from our countries in Ukraine and neither from NATO."

Reconstruction conference marks the initiation of a series of summits addressing Ukraine. After the conference, the G7 Summit will take place in southern Italy, where attendees will discuss utilizing frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine.

Following the G7 Summit, Scholz and Zelensky will continue to Switzerland for the Ukraine Peace Conference. According to the Swiss government, roughly 40 heads of state and government have already registered, and 160 were invited. While this marks the first high-level international gathering devoted to the subject of peace in Ukraine, it is not intended to be a peace negotiation. The invitation has been declined by Russia, who characterizes it as Western propaganda in support of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Rheinmetall, a German arms manufacturer, and Ukraine have formed their first joint tank repair facility and production site in Ukraine. The keys to the repair workshop for the infantry fighting vehicle Marder have been officially handed over. "The opening of a joint production facility with Rheinmetall is not only a step towards victory for Ukraine, but also an important milestone in the weapon stockpiling efforts of the free world," stated Minister Olexandr Kamyschin in a statement.

Read also:

  1. At the German Press Agency, the focus shifted towards the upcoming reconstruction conference, with the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky set to deliver key speeches.
  2. Svenja Schulze, the Development Minister from SPD, emphasized the importance of the reconstruction conference, highlighting the urgent needs for electricity, water, and healthcare in war-torn Ukraine.
  3. The German and Ukrainian leaders will discuss additional military support and the expansion of Ukrainian air defense during their meetings, as well as joint weapons production.
  4. In Switzerland, a high-level Ukraine Peace Conference is scheduled, with the Swiss government inviting 40 heads of state and government, despite Russia's refusal to participate.
  5. The German arms manufacturer, Rheinmetall, opened a joint tank repair facility and production site in Ukraine, marking a significant milestone in their weapon stockpiling efforts.
  6. International allies, including the United States, are keeping a cautious stance regarding military involvement in Ukraine, as highlighted by their decision to not participate in the reconstruction conference or G7 Summit.
  7. The reconstruction conference is not intended to be a donor conference, but rather a platform to facilitate networking between key players and promote business initiatives or job training for Ukraine's reconstruction.
  8. The United States remains the largest financial supporter of Ukraine, while Germany is the second, despite German Chancellor Scholz's ambiguity regarding Ukraine's requests for additional support.
  9. Despite the ongoing war, Zelensky relayed the importance of beginning the reconstruction process as soon as possible, voicing that people cannot wait for the conflict to end before receiving essential needs like shelter and healthcare.
  10. Although the German Chancellor is opposed to sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine, French President Emmanuel Macron has announced his country and others would send military trainers to the conflict zone, further illustrating differing approaches between nations.



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