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Zelensky attends a Ukraine gathering in Berlin, delivers remarks at the Bundestag

Volodymyr Zelensky's third visit to Berlin since the Russian attack on Ukraine will prioritize discussion on reconstruction efforts more than military aid.

Volodymyr Selenskyj in Berlin: Police emergency vehicles take up position at the Waldorf Astoria...
Volodymyr Selenskyj in Berlin: Police emergency vehicles take up position at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel

Government Affairs - Zelensky attends a Ukraine gathering in Berlin, delivers remarks at the Bundestag

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has made his way to Germany, geared up to attend a reconstruction conference for his war-torn nation in Berlin on Tuesday. He will start the event alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). Before the afternoon, the leader of a nation under attack by Russia will deliver his first in-person speech in the Bundestag. This is his third trip to Berlin since the Russian invasion over two years ago.

Zelenskyy made his appearance on social media platform X, announcing his arrival late on Monday night, and wrote, "Due to Russia's aerial assault, we're prioritizing immediate solutions for the Ukrainian energy sector."

With approximately 2000 attendees hailing from around 60 different nations, this conference is set to bring together key players from the political, business, civil society, and international organization spheres. It's not solely a platform for collecting monetary support for reconstruction - instead, the focus is on networking and progressing initiatives for business advancement or professional training.

Development Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) tells the German Press Agency that this conference demonstrates the strong alliance backing Ukraine. Considering the current conflict, approaching reconstruction in wartime is essential.

Schulze explains, "Ukraine has no other choice. They can't wait until the war is over. People need shelter, electricity, water, and hospitals now." Ukraine also needs civilian aid to survive the ongoing war.

The conference takes place at the Berlin exhibition grounds. In a show of solidarity, the 147-meter-high Berlin Funkturm landmark was illuminated in Ukraine's colors of blue and yellow Tuesday night. From Tuesday to Wednesday evening, the Berlin TV Tower at Alexanderplatz will likewise shine in the country's colors.

Meeting with Scholz - Directly

Zelenskyy has scheduled discussions with Scholz on his agenda, during which they'll discuss further defense support, expanding Ukrainian air defense, and joint weapons production. Positions regarding the June 15-16 peace conference set to take place in Switzerland will also be discussed. Alongside these meetings, encounters with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Bundestag President Bärbel Bas are planned. Zelenskyy additionally plans to visit a military aid post where Ukrainian soldiers are trained.

In the past, Zelenskyy has addressed German Members of Parliament, but via video. On March 17, 2022, only three weeks after Russia's attack on Ukraine began, Zelensky pleaded for more military support during a virtual speech to the MPs. "Dear Mr. Chancellor Scholz, tear down this wall. Give Germany the leadership role it deserves," he urged.

Germany is currently the second most significant backer of Ukraine in terms of both military and monetary aid, after the United States. Chancellor Scholz has yet to fulfill Zelenskyy's requests, though. Taurus-missile systems with a range of 500km aren't set to be supplied, and he opposes sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine. In comparison, French President Emmanuel Macron has announced military trainers will be sent to the war zone.

Besides Germany and the United States, no other NATO countries have indicated they will provide troops. Scholz expressed his denial of sending soldiers from other NATO countries to Ukraine during a campaign event in Duisburg on Saturday. "There will be no soldiers from our countries in Ukraine, and there will be no soldiers from NATO," he reiterated.

The reconstruction conference marks the beginning of a series of summits linked to Ukraine. Post this conference, the G7 summit will be hosted in southern Italy. Focusing on how frozen Russian assets can be employed to bolster Ukraine, the summit is destined to be held in Milan, Italy.

Following the reconstruction conference, Zelensky and Scholz will journey to Switzerland for the Ukraine Peace Conference. The Swiss government in Bern has revealed that as many as 40 heads of state and government have registered for the event, while around 160 are anticipated to attend. No matter the significant representation, the conference itself is not a platform for peace negotiations. Russia, having invaded Ukraine in February 2022, is not attending. Countries closer to Russia, such as China, have turned down invitations. Moscow has labelled the event as Western propaganda in support of Ukraine.

In spite of the fact that this is the inaugural high-stakes worldwide conference dedicated to peace in Ukraine, it doesn't involve direct peace negotiations. Russia, having invaded Ukraine in February 2022, is not participating. Countries closer to Russia, like China, have refused the invitation. Moscow has dismissed the event as Western propaganda to support Ukraine.

In the meantime, German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall and Ukraine have inaugurated their first joint tank repair center and manufacturing facility. The Ukrainian Ministry of Strategic Industries in Kiev announced the keys to the worksite for fixing and maintaining Marder infantry combat vehicles have been delivered. "The opening of a joint production facility with Rheinmetall isn't only a step toward victory for Ukraine, but also an important milestone in the development of the arsenal of the free world," Minister Olexandr Kamyschin stated.

Read also:

  1. At the reconstruction conference, Svenja Schulze highlighted the strong alliance supporting Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of tackling reconstruction efforts during wartime due to urgent needs for shelter, electricity, water, and hospitals.
  2. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in his first in-person speech at the Bundestag, called on Germany to take on a leadership role in providing military support, echoing his previous request made via video in March 2022.
  3. Emmanuel Macron, apart from Germany and the USA, has announced the deployment of military trainers to Ukraine, a move not pursued by other NATO countries, as confirmed by Olaf Scholz, who denounced the idea of sending troops to Ukraine.
  4. The reconstruction conference served as a precursor to a series of summits aimed at bolstering Ukraine, including the G7 summit in Italy, focusing on utilizing frozen Russian assets to bolster Ukraine's economy.
  5. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and German Chancellor Scholz subsequently traveled to Switzerland for the Ukraine Peace Conference, with 40 heads of state and government registered, although Russia and China declined the invitation, citing Western propaganda affiliations.
  6. The Switzerland-hosted conference didn't serve as a platform for direct peace negotiations, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 prevented such participation.
  7. In a further display of support, Germany and Ukraine inaugurated their first joint tank repair center and manufacturing facility in Kiev, signifying an essential step towards the enhancement of Ukraine's arsenal and a common victory in the fight against Russia.
  8. Following the reconstruction conference, the German Press Agency reported on the major undertakings and discussions involving prominent figures such as Svenja Schulze, Olaf Scholz, and Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
  9. The conference in Berlin was also marked by Germany's commitment to shine Ukraine's colors on landmarks like the Berlin Funkturm and Berlin TV Tower, symbolizing a unified stand against the Russian invasion and a display of solidarity towards Ukraine's recovery efforts.
  10. The conference in Berlin attracted key players and leaders from around 60 countries, including France's Emmanuel Macron, highlighting the global community's commitment to supporting Ukraine in the aftermath of the conflict and its struggle for reconstruction.



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