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Zander: "Berlin's original rock won't break so quickly"

The people around Frank Zander are optimistic that the sick musician will soon be well again. The 81-year-old himself has probably not lost heart yet either: "A real Berlin veteran doesn't break down that quickly ... He'll be fine!" he said on Wednesday evening via his son Marcus Zander.

Frank Zander talks to homeless and needy people at a Christmas dinner.
Frank Zander talks to homeless and needy people at a Christmas dinner.

Disease - Zander: "Berlin's original rock won't break so quickly"

The people around Frank Zander are optimistic that the sick musician will soon be well again. The 81-year-old himself has probably not lost heart yet either: "A real Berlin veteran doesn't break down that quickly ... He'll be fine!" he said on Wednesday evening via his son Marcus Zander.

Marcus Zander explained that the diagnosis had not yet been confirmed. However, he was optimistic that his father would make a full recovery. "So keep your fingers crossed ...", he continued.

The Christmas party for Berlin's homeless on the Friday before Christmas Eve will still take place. If Frank Zander is unable to attend in person, his son and grandson will take the reins: "It is and will remain a heartfelt family celebration for the poorest of the poor."

Frank Zander has been in hospital since Monday, as his son reported on Tuesday. "He had been very tired and weak for days and practically fell asleep while eating."

Feast for the homeless

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