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Youth takes joyride in stolen fire truck

A youngster made off with a fire truck for a night of thrilling joyrides, leading to repercussions.

An emergency vehicle of the fire department is parked in a parking lot (symbolic image).
An emergency vehicle of the fire department is parked in a parking lot (symbolic image).

Illegal Activities - Youth takes joyride in stolen fire truck

A young person snatched a fire department vehicle and went on a late-night adventure on a Tuesday night. Before that, they had ripped off a fire station in Gronau, west of Hildesheim, by smashing through a window, as per the police's statement on a Tuesday. The thief zipped around the region between Hanover and Salzgitter with the control vehicle, racking up several dozen kilometers in the process, before whipping off and abandoning it back at the fire department.

While on this adventure, the thief caused some damage to the fire department vehicle. The police have begun a criminal investigation against the culprit.

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The stolen fire truck was initially reported missing from a fire station in Gronau, located in the Lower Saxony region, which is west of Hildesheim. Despite causing damage during their joyride, the police in Lower Saxony are now investigating the crime associated with the misappropriated fire department vehicle. Freely navigating the roads between Hanover and Salzgitter, the thief eventually abandoned the fire engine back at the fire department, prompting the necessary repairs to be carried out by the local fire department in Hildesheim.

