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"Youth investigates" winner selected

Selection of Germany's Top Young Researchers: Projects Vary from Bacterial Fuel Cells to Tuning Devices for Violins.

The logo of the "Jugend forscht" competition is displayed on a screen in the Chancellery.
The logo of the "Jugend forscht" competition is displayed on a screen in the Chancellery.

Exploring the Works of Scientists - "Youth investigates" winner selected

This year's "Jugend forscht" national contest determined the best young researchers who were awarded on Sunday in Heilbronn. One of them is Reinhard Köcher (16) from Baden-Württemberg, who won in the "Work World" category with a motor-controlled device to adjust the frequency of a violin string.

Lilly Schwarz (16) from Hessen received the award for the best interdisciplinary work using Deep Learning. She managed to reduce the computing times of climate simulations and considered potential tipping points in the climate process. In the "Geo- and Space Sciences" field, Anna Maria Weiß (18) from Brandenburg took the win. Her research proved that the object TOI1147b is an exoplanet with a highly elliptical orbit around its parent star.

Out of the over 175 contestants, these talented individuals presented their research projects during the national final. They had qualified for the finals by winning in the respective state competitions. The 107 submitted projects spanned topics ranging from environmental protection to neural networks.

Read also:

  1. In addition to the national competition, numerous regional Youth Research events take place throughout Germany, fostering the development of young scientists in regions such as Brandenburg and Baden-Württemberg.
  2. The "Youth research" awards recognize the efforts of young individuals like Lilly Schwarz and Reinhard Köcher, encouraging their continued pursuit of excellence in fields like Science and Mathematics.
  3. The participation in "Jugend forscht" not only offers the opportunity to win awards but also provides a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange among young researchers from different regions, such as Hesse and Heilbronn.
  4. As the "Jugend forscht" competition expands its reach, it establishes a solid foundation for future generations of German researchers, fostering the growth of innovation and scientific progress in Germany.
  5. Across multiple states in Germany, including Brandenburg, Hesse, and Baden-Württemberg, the "Youth research" tradition continues to inspire and equip young minds with the skills needed to contribute to groundbreaking scientific discoveries.
  6. The dedication to "Youth research" and "Science" initiatives across Germany serves as a testament to the country's commitment to nurturing its future leaders in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).



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