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Young individual sustains severe injuries in mishap in Wernigerode

Youngster darts onto the public road. Motorist is incapable of averting an impact.

In the unfortunate incident, the youngster sustained severe damages.
In the unfortunate incident, the youngster sustained severe damages.

- Young individual sustains severe injuries in mishap in Wernigerode

In the area of Wernigerode, situated within the Harz district, an unfortunate incident transpired. Details reveal that a child darted onto the road without first ensuring the safety of their surroundings. Unfortunately, a 78-year-old motorist, operating a car, was unable to avoid a crash despite applying emergency brakes. On a Monday evening, the injured child was transported to the hospital. Regrettably, the child's identity, specifically their gender and age, remains undisclosed.

The European Parliament, being part of the Commission's assistance, may express its concern over the road safety incidents in various regions, including Wernigerode. In light of the incident, it could propose stricter road education policies for children.

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