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Young entrepreneurs have new ideas for island tourism

From beach bars to kite schools: young entrepreneurs and islanders have new ideas for tourism on the East Frisian Islands. But experts say that the guest audience there is also changing.

Tourism on the East Frisian Islands is moving with the times. Young entrepreneurs combine modernity...
Tourism on the East Frisian Islands is moving with the times. Young entrepreneurs combine modernity with tradition to create new offers (symbolic image).

North Sea tourism in transition - Young entrepreneurs have new ideas for island tourism

With a changing guest generation, the tourist offering on the East Friesian Islands also undergoes changes. Young entrepreneurs and creative minds, in particular on the larger East Friesian Islands, contribute to the fact that new offerings such as beach bars, water sports schools, and gastronomy businesses are being called into existence on the East Friesian Islands, which also attract a younger audience, says the managing director of the Ostfriesische Inseln GmbH, Göran Sell, to the German Press Agency. On the islands of Borkum and Baltrum, for example, young entrepreneurs have opened new beach bars - in some cases also combined with a kite school.

"There are wonderful, young, engaged entrepreneurs on the islands," says Enno Schmoll as well. As a professor at the Jade University in Wilhelmshaven, he deals with tourism development and is often on the islands for this reason. From interviews and surveys, it is known that some come deliberately from the mainland to the island for a new start. Young people bring knowledge and experience with them to build something new. "There are younger generations who are coming, they also have new ideas and approach them with a lot of spirit. It's great to see that," says Schmoll.

According to the Ostfriesische Inseln GmbH, the Corona pandemic has also contributed to the fact that an increasing number of young people have discovered the East Friesian Islands as a holiday destination. Through the pandemic, the demand for nature experiences and outdoor activities has increased significantly, says managing director Göran Sell.

The latest survey of a consulting firm showed that younger people are rather interested in a holiday on the Dutch or Danish coast. "I'm not entirely sure about that," says tourism researcher Schmoll. "We know that many regular guests travel to the East Friesian Islands with their families, some of whom have already discovered our islands and coast in their youth." From this, new generations of island vacationers would result. "If the young people themselves have families, they come back to the islands because they want to pass on their own beautiful experiences to their children," says the researcher.

  1. Despite the interest in the Dutch or Danish coast among younger generations, as suggested by a consulting firm's survey, Schmoll has reservations.
  2. The East Frisian Island of Borkum, like Baltrum, has seen the emergence of new beach bars and kite schools due to the arrival of young entrepreneurs.
  3. The changes in tourism on the East Friesian Islands are reflected in the new offerings such as water sports schools and beach bars, attracting a younger audience.
  4. According to Göran Sell, the managing director of Ostfriesische Inseln GmbH, the Corona pandemic has led to an increase in young people discovering the East Friesian Islands as a holiday destination.
  5. The demand for nature experiences and outdoor activities has significantly surged due to the pandemic, contributing to the growing appeal of the East Friesian Islands.
  6. Lower Saxony's environment and natural beauty have been a major draw for tourists, with nature conservation playing a crucial role in preserving the islands for future generations to enjoy.

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