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Xavier Naidoo, a musician, faces accusations of inciting the masses.

The Mannheim prosecutor's office has accused musician Xavier Naidoo of spreading hate speech. The 52-year-old artist from Mannheim allegedly posted anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denying material on a Telegram channel by sharing a video and an image file with text, according to authorities, who...

The scales of justice
The scales of justice

Xavier Naidoo, a musician, faces accusations of inciting the masses.

As early as July 2023, Naidoo faced legal action in Mannheim District Court for inciting hatred in four separate instances. One of these cases also involved insult. His alleged offenses included sharing antisemitic and Holocaust-denying content in various forms, such as texts, an audio recording, and other videos linked on a Telegram channel. The investigations stemmed from numerous criminal complaints, and the prosecutor's office pushed for these charges to be tried by the Grand Criminal Chamber of the Mannheim District Court. Meanwhile, the musician refutes the claims, while the prosecutor's office maintains the principle of presumption of innocence.

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The legal action against Xavier Naidoo for inciting hatred and insult was initiated at Mannheim District Court in July 2023. The Mannheim public prosecutor's office presented an indictment, citing four instances of antisemitic and Holocaust-denying content shared by Naidoo. The investigations led to charges that would be tried by the Grand Criminal Chamber of the Mannheim Regional Court. Despite the musician's denial, the prosecutor's office upholds the principle of presumption of innocence. Reputed musician Xavier Naidoo, under accusations by the public prosecutor's office in Mannheim, was due for trial at the Mannheim Regional Court for incitement to hatred.

