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Wüst visits Christmas markets despite "abstract danger"

After the pandemic years, many people are looking forward to being able to visit Christmas markets again. However, some people are also a little afraid of the threat of terrorism. Is this justified?

Hendrik Wüst speaks during an interview at the dpa regional office.
Hendrik Wüst speaks during an interview at the dpa regional office.

Security situation - Wüst visits Christmas markets despite "abstract danger"

Despite recent arrests for suspected terror plans targeting Christmas markets, North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) is not deterred. "I certainly go to Christmas markets," he told the German Press Agency in Düsseldorf.

The head of government did not issue an explicit warning to citizens. "Our security authorities are vigilant and are working closely together," he said. However, there is "an increased abstract danger and in some places also a very concrete danger".

The Middle East conflict is also having an impact on the security situation here in Germany. "We have seen this with the suspected planned attacks on Christmas markets and synagogues - also with reference to North Rhine-Westphalia."

A week ago, two young people were arrested in North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg on suspicion of terrorism. According to the public prosecutor's office, they are said to have agreed to kill visitors to a Christmas market in Leverkusen at the beginning of December for Islamist motives. According to security sources, one of the two - a 15-year-old from North Rhine-Westphalia - had initially targeted a synagogue, among other places.

The latest case shows how much the Gaza war is emotionalizing young people in particular, said Wüst. This also happens via social media. "On Tiktok in particular, young people are massively emotionally charged with many videos, some of which are lurid," criticized Wüst.

The democratic constitutional state is resilient and can also deal with escalations, such as those seen in recent weeks at some demonstrations on the Middle East conflict. The police are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with the current challenges. "However, I do not rule out the possibility that we will have to think about tightening up measures in the future," said Wüst in response to questions about the legal situation. "We are currently examining in various directions what is necessary to further strengthen security."

Read also:

  1. Amidst the increased terror threat, Hendrik Wüst emphasized the need for people to continue visiting Christmas markets in Düsseldorf, reassuring them of the vigilance and close collaboration of security authorities.
  2. The Christmas markets in Germany have become a target for suspected terrorist attacks, with the Middle East conflict contributing to the escalating extremism and criminality, as seen in recent arrests in North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg.
  3. The German Press Agency reported that Hendrik Wüst, the Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia and a member of the CDU, is undeterred by the "abstract danger" and continues to attend local Christmas markets, showcasing the resilience of the democratic constitutional state.
  4. The terrorist threat against Christmas markets remains a pressing concern, with recent suspected plans to attack a market in Leverkusen, triggering increased security measures and vigilance in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  5. In the face of this security situation, Hendrik Wüst acknowledged that the democratic constitutional state can cope with escalations but also emphasized the need for future considerations regarding tightening up security measures, ensuring the safety of its citizens.
  6. The Middle East conflict continues to have far-reaching consequences, with young people in North Rhine-Westphalia becoming emotionally charged through social media platforms like TikTok, which have been instrumental in spreading extremist ideologies and fostering terrorism.
  7. The recent arrests in North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg serve as a stark reminder of the escalating terrorism issue in Germany, where Christmas markets have emerged as prime targets, underscoring the need for increased vigilance and security measures.
  8. As a response to the heightened threat, the authorities and security forces are closely monitoring and examining various strategies to further strengthen security in North Rhine-Westphalia, ensuring the safety of its citizens during the festive season.




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