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Wüst: The election outcome is a message to the traffic light coalition.

Wüst's CDU in NRW leads the projections nationwide, but he notices a slight downturn in support.

A woman throws her ballot paper into a ballot box at a polling station in Essen.
A woman throws her ballot paper into a ballot box at a polling station in Essen.

European Union - Wüst: The election outcome is a message to the traffic light coalition.

North Rhine-Westphalia's CDU leader and Minister President, Hendrik Wüst, celebrated his party's great performance in recent projections within the federal and state governments, calling it a fantastic accomplishment. He expressed his delight that the CDU in North Rhine-Westphalia gained a higher percentage (30.8%) than what was projected at a national level. Wüst also emphasized the significance of this outcome to the coalition government, urging them to "stop bickering" and focus on serving the people of the country.

He further emphasized how advantageous North Rhine-Westphalia's position is within the European Union, making it a focal point in Europe. Wüst noted that the majority's rejection of extremist fantasies represented a significant win, however, he acknowledged that the rise of the AfD in both state and federal projections (13.7% in North Rhine-Westphalia and 16.2-16.4% at a national level) demanded attention from all parties.

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