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Wüst supports reaching out to Afghan Taliban regarding deportation matters.

Hendrik Wüst, the Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia (CDU), has voiced support for connecting with the radical Islamic Taliban regarding the deportation of criminals to Afghanistan. According to Wüst, the federal government needs to take decisive action and establish contact with the...

Hendrik Wüst
Hendrik Wüst

Wüst supports reaching out to Afghan Taliban regarding deportation matters.

"It's obvious to me that this is a difficult situation we're dealing with," Wuest stated. "However, before it rips our society apart due to misunderstandings, the federal government needs to step up and address it."

I hope Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) means what he said when he declared that criminals will be sent back to Afghanistan, Wuest continued. "This isn't an easy subject that can be avoided, but since he's made the statement, I think it's a positive step for our society's well-being."

Ever since the Taliban took control in Kabul last August, there's been a halt on deportations for Afghans in Germany. In response to the recent deadly knife attack in Mannheim, Scholz has announced that criminals from Afghanistan and Syria will be sent back to their respective countries.

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