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Wüst: Standing up for safe Jewish life in Germany

The Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hendrik Wüst (CDU), has called for the consistent enforcement of fundamental constitutional values in the fight against anti-Semitism. "If we in Germany are serious about our historical responsibility, then we must take a practical stand for a...

Hendrik Wüst (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Hendrik Wüst (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Religion - Wüst: Standing up for safe Jewish life in Germany

The Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hendrik Wüst (CDU), has called for the consistent enforcement of fundamental constitutional values in the fight against anti-Semitism. "If we in Germany are serious about our historical responsibility, then we must stand up for a safe Jewish life in Germany in very practical terms," said Wüst on Friday at the Jewish Community Day in Berlin.

A reform of the citizenship law should make a contribution to this. Wüst wanted to introduce a corresponding initiative from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia to the Bundesrat on Friday. "For me, a commitment to the right of the State of Israel to exist is part of being German." Anyone who wants to become a German citizen must acknowledge this.

Another point of the NRW initiative concerns the addition of the incitement to hatred paragraph in the Criminal Code. "Anyone who questions the right of the state of Israel to exist should be punished," demanded Wüst.

"Jewish life belongs to us and belongs at the heart of society." It should be a matter of course that parents can take their children to nursery or school without worrying, that synagogues can be visited without fear and that Jewish symbols of faith can be worn openly. "The rich tradition of Judaism must be visible in order to flourish and live in the future," said Wüst.

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