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Wüst reads aloud with Krautmacher on reading aloud day

In North Rhine-Westphalia, many politicians grab a book and visit schools on nationwide Read Aloud Day. Minister-President Henrik Wüst has brought celebrities from the music scene to his side.

North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) at a press
North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) at a press

Wüst reads aloud with Krautmacher on reading aloud day

North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) as well as ministers and celebrities are bringing books to children in schools and kindergartens today on the nationwide Read Aloud Day. At the Michael Ende School in Neuss, Wüst will be reading aloud together with Henning Krautmacher, the former frontman of the Cologne cult band Höhner.

Children and Family Minister Josefine Paul (Greens) visits a kindergarten in Essen. Education Minister Dorothee Feller (CDU) reads aloud in two schools in Münster and Dorsten. Economics Minister Mona Neubaur (Greens) takes time for the children at a comprehensive school in Düsseldorf.

The nationwide Read Aloud Day is an initiative of the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit", the Reading Foundation in Mainz and the Deutsche Bahn Foundation. The nationwide campaign was first organized in 2004. The organizers expect more than one million readers and listeners nationwide on the 20th Reading Aloud Day.

The importance of education and literature was highlighted as people from various sectors participated in Reading Aloud Day, visiting schools and kindergartens across North Rhine-Westphalia. This annual event, initiated by "Die Zeit", the Reading Foundation, and the Deutsche Bahn Foundation, aims to encourage a love for reading among children.Many parents also contribute to this cause, realizing the significance of early exposure to literature for shaping young minds.




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