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Wüst discusses combating loneliness through simple acts of kindness.

Young and elderly individuals alike experience the sensation of solitude. NRW's chief minister, Wüst, proposes strategies to address this problem on a smaller level.

A woman stands at the window.
A woman stands at the window.

Well-being & Medical News: Latest Updates on Healthcare Breakthroughs - Wüst discusses combating loneliness through simple acts of kindness.

The leader of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hendrik Wüst (CDU), encourages people to combat loneliness by performing small acts. "I can't pass a law against loneliness, and then it disappears," Wüst said on Thursday at a loneliness conference with scientists, politicians, and social workers in the Düsseldorf State Chancellery. At times, "the small things" can make a big difference. For example, sending a postcard to someone who's gone a long time without hearing from anyone could bring immense joy. So, Wüst plans to write a postcard to a former colleague, he mentioned. As he believes she'll be delighted by it.

The chief executive also defended his earlier proposal to put chairs in front of the homes of lonely neighbors during the Advent season. Because the barrier for these small actions is usually not too high.

Wüst started taking action against loneliness at the early phase of his term. Ever since, he's received countless letters from young and old individuals, and even parents, describing their children's loneliness. "This really strikes a chord in your heart. Once you jump in, you know you've stumbled upon a hornet's nest."

Loneliness not only harms individuals health-wise, but also impacts our entire society. Lonely people tend to develop more radical and extremist political attitudes. "Loneliness is, of course, always personal, but it encompasses everyone as well." The North Rhine-Westphalia state authorities aim to announce an action plan against loneliness by the end of the year.

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