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Wüst calls on democrats to join forces

NRW Minister President Wüst calls on people to show solidarity in the new year. They should face the many crises and wars with determination.

Hendrik Wüst (CDU) stands in the Merkur Spiel-Arena during the recording of his New Year's
Hendrik Wüst (CDU) stands in the Merkur Spiel-Arena during the recording of his New Year's speech.

Government - Wüst calls on democrats to join forces

In the face of wars and crises, North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) has called for a "solidarity of democrats". "Germany must get out of crisis mode," said Wüst in his New Year's address, the text of which was distributed in advance. The war in Ukraine and the Middle East, the energy crisis, inflation and recession, climate change, displacement and migration were challenging times.

"Our country needs action," said the CDU Minister President. "Talking and describing is not enough." An"alliance of the center" is needed for the major issues of our time. In difficult times, we need to move closer together and act together.

Wüst thanked the people of North Rhine-Westphalia for their solidarity, especially in the regions affected by flooding, and for their willingness to help refugees. NRW had also taken in many refugees in 2023. At the same time, however, the head of government also pointed out the limits. NRW also wants to help people who need protection in the future. "However, this will only succeed if fewer people come to us who are not fleeing war and persecution."

Wüst reiterated his solidarity with Ukraine, which has been attacked by Russia, and with Israel following the terrorist attack by Islamist Hamas. "We feel for the Israelis and the Ukrainians," he said. "We also feel for the people in Gaza who are being abused by terrorists as shields, for the women, children, the elderly and the sick."

The conflict in Israel also has consequences for NRW, said Wüst, referring to the growing anti-Semitism. Almost 80 years after the Holocaust, people of the Jewish faith were once again the target of irreconcilable hatred. He wanted every pupil to visit a concentration camp or a Nazi memorial once in their school life. This would reach the hearts of young people. "This way, anti-Semitism doesn't stand a chance."

Wüst's New Year's address was recorded this year in the Merkur Spiel-Arena in Düsseldorf. The European Men's Handball Championship will open there on January 10, 2024. In the summer, matches of the European Men's Football Championship will take place there and in other stadiums in NRW. "Sport brings joy to many people. Sport moves people. Sport connects," said Wüst.

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