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Wrong-way driver stopped on the A20 near Wismar

An 83-year-old wrong-way driver was stopped on the A20 near Wismar. Other drivers who had observed him prevented him from continuing in the wrong direction.

Due to an oncoming driver, the police were called to the A20.
Due to an oncoming driver, the police were called to the A20.

Street traffic - Wrong-way driver stopped on the A20 near Wismar

Alert drivers managed to stop a wrong-way driver on the A20 near Wismar before other road users were endangered, the police reported. A witness noticed the erratic driving of the 83-year-old on Tuesday afternoon, who was driving in a zigzag pattern and at low speed on the A20 and A14 highways in the area of the Wismar interchange.

Driver suddenly turned around

The witness followed the 83-year-old and immediately alerted the police. Before the officers arrived, the senior suddenly turned his car around on a merge lane and attempted to drive the A20 in the opposite direction. With the help of another driver, the witness managed to stop the wrong-way driver and prevent him from continuing.

A criminal investigation was initiated against the 83-year-old for endangering traffic, the police said. His driver's license was also confiscated, the licensing authority was informed of the incident, and his driving privileges were suspended indefinitely.

In the midst of this situation, the witness feared an emergency and quickly contacted the emergency services. Upon learning about the wrong-way driver, the emergency services immediately dispatched additional units to the area.

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