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Workers in East Germany's bread industry are receiving increased salaries.

Prominent industrial bakeries like Harry-Brot and Lieken hold significant command in the German bread industry. A recently reached agreement sets the path for staff's wages.

A plant of the Harry-Brot bakery.
A plant of the Harry-Brot bakery.

Introduced tariffs. - Workers in East Germany's bread industry are receiving increased salaries.

The staff of the East German bread production sector will pocket more cash. As the Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten (NGG) union disclosed on a Monday, an accord has been conceded upon with the League of German Bakers. This entails a salary augmentation of 6.76 percent over a time period of 13 months. Per the union, about 3,000 employees will witness benefits from this novel NGG bargain. The union rep, Uwe Ledwig, viewed the collective agreement as a victory. He called it the top one in the German bread industry this year.

The East German bread industry's bargaining turf is mainly managed by the baked goods brands Harry-Brot and Lieken. These manufacturers, in addition to other products, bake in Lüdersdorf (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), Brehna, Wittenberg, Osterweddingen (Saxony-Anhalt), Wiedemar (Saxony), and Berlin.

As well, the League of German Bakers lauded the deal. Their representative stated that the arrangement is a construction between the NGG union's requests and the enterprise's abilities. The salary climbs were gradual, thereby enabling the implicated firms to not become overloaded and subsequently, charge their customers with the ascending costs.

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