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Worker dies after accident at copper producer Aurubis

The police have launched an investigation, but assume it was an accident. There was already a fatal incident at Aurubis in 2023.

A building on the Aurubis site in Hamburg. (symbolic image)
A building on the Aurubis site in Hamburg. (symbolic image)

Hamburg - Worker dies after accident at copper producer Aurubis

A worker at Aurubis, the Hamburg copper producer, has died after being injured during the loading of scaffold parts on the worksite. The subcontractor employee was reportedly hit on the head during the process, according to the company's statement. An ambulance took the man to the hospital where he passed away. Several eyewitnesses are said to have been shocked and are being psychologically supported by Aurubis, according to the company.

Aurubis labor director Markus Kramer expressed deep sorrow over the tragic accident and its consequences. "We extend our deepest sympathy to the deceased worker's family and are deeply affected by this loss," he said.

The police have launched an investigation, confirmed a spokesperson. The police are currently treating it as a workplace accident. Aurubis announced that they are working with the authorities. In 2023, three Aurubis employees in Hamburg had died due to a Stickstoff leak.

The accident at Aurubis's factory premises in Hamburg resulted in an emergency situation, requiring the immediate attendance of medical services. The deceased worker was taken to the hospital following the accident involving scaffold parts during loading. The police, investigating the incident, are treating it as a workplace accident, similar to the three fatalities caused by a Stickstoff leak in 2023.

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