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Women still underrepresented in management positions

The proportion of women in company management is still low. The situation is somewhat different in the eastern German states.

Women are still rarely represented in management positions in companies.
Women are still rarely represented in management positions in companies.

Study - Women still underrepresented in management positions

Women are still in the minority at the top management level of German companies. Their share has increased by 3 points to 28 percent since 2004, according to a study by the Nuremberg Institute for Employment Research (IAB). As women make up 44 percent of all employees, women are still underrepresented in management positions.

According to the study, women are significantly more frequently represented in the second management level at 41%. However, their share has not increased since 2016. There are differences between eastern and western Germany. In the eastern German states, the proportion of women in management positions is higher at both management levels than in western Germany. At the second management level, there has even been a slight overrepresentation of women in eastern Germany for the past ten years, the researchers wrote.

Part-time management is also becoming more popular. 23% of private-sector companies in Germany now allow their managers to work part-time. This proportion has increased by 7 points since 2014. According to the IAB, almost three quarters of all part-time management positions in the private sector are held by women. "The willingness of employers to allow managers to work reduced hours can be a way for people with caring responsibilities in particular to master career advancement despite family obligations," explained IAB researcher Iris Möller.

The study was based on data from the IAB Establishment Panel, a representative survey in which around 15,000 companies in Germany take part every year.

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