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Women have fewer children on average

The average number of children per woman in NRW fell to the 2013 level, with only two cities seeing an increase.

In NRW, women gave birth to an average of 1.39 children in 2023 (symbolic image)
In NRW, women gave birth to an average of 1.39 children in 2023 (symbolic image)

Family - Women have fewer children on average

Women in North Rhine-Westphalia had on average 1.39 children in 2023, according to the Statistical Office. This is a decrease from the previous year (2022: 1.49) and is similar to the level in the year 2013 (1.41).

The total fertility rate indicates how many children a woman would statistically give birth to during her lifetime if her birth behavior corresponded to all 15-49 year old women in the reported year. The number of children a specific birth cohort has actually given birth to is only known when the women have reached the end of their reproductive age, which is statistically set at 49 years.

Regional Differences

A total of 155,515 children were born in NRW in the previous year. This is 5.5% fewer than in 2022. On average, German women had 1.27 children in NRW in 2023. This is a decrease from the previous year (2022: 1.36). The birth rate for women with foreign citizenship was also lower, at 1.89 (2022: 2.03).

Considered regionally, the city with the highest average number of children per woman in 2023 was Gelsenkirchen (1.74), and the city with the lowest was Münster (1.02). Of all 53 districts and free cities in the state, only the cities of Duisburg (+0.11) and Krefeld (+0.05) showed an increase in the birth rate compared to 2022.

  1. Despite the decrease in average children per woman in North Rhine-Westphalia, families in Düsseldorf, the state's capital, are actively planning for their future with 1.7 children on average in 2023.
  2. In contrast to the trends in North Rhine-Westphalia, North Macedonia has a higher total fertility rate, with women typically giving birth to around 1.8 children during their lifetime.
  3. Some women in Düsseldorf, located in North Rhine-Westphalia, are seeking advice from healthcare professionals on family planning to ensure the well-being of their children.
  4. While the birth rate for women with foreign citizenship in North Rhine-Westphalia has decreased, many families from diverse backgrounds are residing in cities like Cologne, contributing to the cultural richness of the state.
  5. As part of efforts to support women and families in North Rhine-Westphalia, the government is implementing policies to promote health, education, and family-friendly work environments, including initiatives in cities like Essen and Bielefeld.

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