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Women chant racist slogans in Cochem

Women sing racist slogans with German lyrics at a birthday party. Even though, according to the police, they hardly speak any German themselves.

ARCHIVE - A blue light
ARCHIVE - A blue light

Racism - Women chant racist slogans in Cochem

Eight women sang racist slogans at a birthday party at a viewpoint in Cochem. The women, aged between their early 20s and mid-30s, are now being investigated for incitement to hatred, the police announced.

The women had been inspired by a TikTok video to sing the text "Germany for Germans - Foreigners out". It is worth noting that none of the women were German citizens and only one of them had "notable German language skills", the police added. The women were not aware that they had made themselves liable to prosecution, they claimed.

Neighbors heard the singing on a Monday evening and reported it to the police, it continued. The women were given a warning and the singing of the text was banned.

  1. Despite their foreign citizenship and varying German language skills, the women from Rhineland-Palatinate, specifically Cochem, were under investigation for shouting racist slogans at a birthday party, mirroring the content of a viral TikTok video.
  2. The disturbing incident, which occurred on a Monday evening and led to several complaints from neighbors, marked a criminal act, as the women's singing of "Germany for Germans - Foreigners out" was subsequently prohibited by authorities.
  3. Ironically, the women were unaware that their participation in a Germany-themed birthday party, which involved the singing of racist slogans, was a criminal offense and had made them liable to prosecution for incitement to hatred.

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