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Women can now avail vouchers for nighttime taxis.

In Cologne, a city council alliance of the CDU, Greens, and Volt is proposing to give women vouchers for nighttime taxi rides. The proposal stipulates that each journey covered by the voucher will be worth ten euros, and these can be redeemed between 10 PM and 6 AM. The CDU parliamentary group...

An illuminated cab sign on the roof of a car.
An illuminated cab sign on the roof of a car.

Vehicular movement - Women can now avail vouchers for nighttime taxis.

The Equal Opportunities Committee is set to make a decision on the application on June 24th. After that, they plan to give the administration the task of creating a pilot project, which is set to kick off this year. A project in Munich is being used as a reference. The budget has allocated 15,000 Euro for 2024 towards this cause. The "Cologne Rundschau" covered this news beforehand.

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