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Woman wanted to keep someone else's cat: Ad

A woman from Donauwörth (Donau-Ries district) allegedly let a strange cat from the neighborhood into her apartment, but then never let it out again. Now she is facing charges of embezzlement, the police announced on Tuesday.

A sign reading "Police" hangs on a police station.
A sign reading "Police" hangs on a police station.

County of Donau-Ries - Woman wanted to keep someone else's cat: Ad

A woman from Donauwörth ( Donau-Ries district) allegedly let a strange cat from the neighborhood into her apartment, but then never let it out again. Now she is facing charges of embezzlement, the police announced on Tuesday.

The 38-year-old owner of the cat had already been looking for him for several days and had put up missing persons notices when she saw him sitting in a window in the neighborhood. The woman then rang the doorbell, whereupon the 57-year-old resident released the cat only after some persuasion. As this had already happened a few days earlier, the woman has now been charged with embezzlement.

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