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Woman strangled with woolen scarf? Verdict expected

He allegedly strangled a woman from behind with a woollen scarf after an argument in her apartment in Trier. Since the end of March, a 56-year-old man has been on trial for murder in the Trier district court: the verdict is due to be delivered this Tuesday (2.45 pm). According to the...

View of the Justitia above the entrance to a district court.
View of the Justitia above the entrance to a district court.

Murder trial - Woman strangled with woolen scarf? Verdict expected

He allegedly strangled a woman from behind with a woollen scarf after an argument in her apartment in Trier. Since the end of March, a 56-year-old man has been on trial for murder in the Trier district court: the verdict is due to be delivered this Tuesday (2.45 pm). According to the indictment, "jealousies" were the reason for the dispute in March 2012.

According to the indictment, the defendant wrapped the body in a sleeping bag and hid it in the attic of the apartment building. Then he fled. The woman 's rented apartment was evicted after her disappearance. The remains were only discovered years later in September 2016 when the attic was cleared out.

The man had already been sentenced to life imprisonment for murder by the Darmstadt Regional Court in Hesse at the beginning of 2015. According to the judge's ruling, he had killed a homeless man with brute force in Rüsselsheim in April 2012 - one month after the crime charged in Trier - after a drinking session.

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