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Woman strangled to death - defendant remains silent on manslaughter charge

A man is said to have strangled his wife with a belt and dumped the body in a forest next to the Autobahn 31. At the start of the trial in Münster, he only talks about one thing.

A manslaughter trial against a man from Gescher has begun. (symbolic image)
A manslaughter trial against a man from Gescher has begun. (symbolic image)

Münster Regional Court - Woman strangled to death - defendant remains silent on manslaughter charge

Six months after the discovery of a female corpse in Gescher (District Borken), the trial against a 42-year-old began at the Munster Regional Court. The Afghan is accused of strangling his wife with a scarf in December 2023. Subsequently, he is said to have packed the body in trash bags and hidden it in a wooded area near the Autobahn 31. The public prosecutor accuses the man of manslaughter.

The accused came under investigation immediately after his 35-year-old wife went missing. His arrest eventually took place in January, after a police search team discovered the body in the wooded area.

Statements about his past

Since then, the 42-year-old has not made any statements regarding the charges. At the start of the trial in Munster, he had a translator translate: "I say nothing."

However, the man made detailed statements about his past. According to his account, he came to Germany with his wife in 2015. He claimed to have worked continuously in Gescher since then. "I have always earned my living and that of my family myself," he told the judges.

The trial is initially scheduled for six hearing days until August 7th.

  1. The investigation into the missing woman from Borken's North Rhine-Westphalia district was handled by the local public prosecutor's office.
  2. The 42-year-old man, on trial for his wife's murder in Munster Regional Court, mentioned his work processes in Gescher, implying a consistent employment history.
  3. Despite the gravity of the crime accusations, the man's silence continued during the trial, refraining from providing any context or justification.
  4. The Gescher Minster Court's proceedings, dealing with this sensitive case, is expected to involve witness testimonies and potentially calls to experts to uncover the full details of the crime and the man's past.

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