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Woman stabs husband to death after corona illness - BGH overturns murder verdict

16 months after she stabbed her husband in the kitchen, the consequences for a woman from Baden-Württemberg must be renegotiated. The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) published its ruling on the case in Karlsruhe on Wednesday. According to the Baden-Baden Regional Court, the woman had developed...

Federal Court of
Federal Court of

Woman stabs husband to death after corona illness - BGH overturns murder verdict

Corona had caused her to have a pulmonary embolism, which is why she had to go into intensive care and was ventilated. Her physical condition then improved significantly. However, she had become mentally ill and was unwaveringly convinced that she was still seriously ill with lung disease.

She had got on well with her husband until then, but had now developed hostility towards him because she felt that he did not take her fears seriously. At the end of May 2022, she stabbed him in the back with a kitchen knife. The man died.

In December 2022, the district court sentenced the defendant to ten years in prison for murder. However, it did not order her to be placed in a psychiatric hospital as it could not establish with certainty that she was very likely to be dangerous to the general public. The public prosecutor appealed against this to the Federal Supreme Court.

This court has now overturned the judgment from Baden-Baden. It stated that the considerations regarding the dangerousness prognosis were incomplete. Another jury chamber of the regional court must now retry the case and decide what should happen to the defendant. However, the BGH left the findings on the course of the crime in place.

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