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Woman pushed in front of train - investigation against two boys

Two women argue with teenagers in Hanover. A 56-year-old woman falls into the track bed of the city railway and is seriously injured. New information is now available about the suspects.

Teenagers allegedly pushed a woman into a streetcar in Hanover - investigators have now identified...
Teenagers allegedly pushed a woman into a streetcar in Hanover - investigators have now identified suspects.

- Woman pushed in front of train - investigation against two boys

About a month after a woman was pushed in front of an incoming tram in Hannover, new details about the suspects have emerged. The investigation is now focused on two boys aged 13 and 14, as announced by the public prosecutor's office. They are being investigated for attempted manslaughter. Previously, the "Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung" had reported that a suspected accomplice was also being investigated. The public prosecutor's office has not provided further information on the status of the investigation, citing youth protection and ongoing investigations.

According to current information from the criminal police, on the evening of July 5th, two women got into an argument with three young men. Two of the perpetrators attacked the 56-year-old, causing her to fall to the ground. After further kicks, the woman fell onto the tracks. Passers-by signaled the tram driver to brake, and he stopped before the tram hit the woman. The 56-year-old was severely injured in the fall onto the tracks. The perpetrators were initially able to flee.

The woman's fall onto the tracks necessitated an immediate emergency response by the authorities and medical personnel. Due to the serious nature of the incident, the investigation into the boys' actions has been classified as an emergency case.

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