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Woman killed - suspected perpetrator arrested

According to initial findings, a woman was killed in the Karlsruhe district. Numerous police forces were deployed in the early hours of the morning. They arrested a suspect in the morning.

There is a major police operation involving a helicopter in Weingarten.
There is a major police operation involving a helicopter in Weingarten.

Police - Woman killed - suspected perpetrator arrested

After the alleged murder of a woman in Weingarten (Kreis Karlsruhe), the police have temporarily arrested a suspect in the community. It is about a 25-year-old man from Montenegro, as the police and prosecutor's office announced.

The police were informed in the night of Tuesday shortly after midnight. Officers found a woman in a residence who seemed to be a victim of a murder, as it was reported. Preliminary investigations indicate that the woman and the suspect knew each other. The police immediately intensified the search for him, also with a rescue helicopter. In the morning, they arrested the suspect in the community of 10,000 inhabitants.

Press release

  1. In light of the ongoing investigation into the homicide in Weingarten, Baden-Württemberg, emergency services are advising residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the local police.
  2. The incident has also caused a wave of concern among vineyard owners in the vicinity, as the community is known for its picturesque vineyards and popular bathing spots.
  3. The investigation team, including forensic experts, are working round the clock to gather evidence, as Karlsruhe's homicide unit takes lead in the case.
  4. On a normal day, the calm community of 10,000 inhabitants in Baden-Württemberg would be filled with locals and tourists enjoying the beauty of the vines and countryside, but with this emergency, these activities have been put on a temporary hold.

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