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Woman killed in crash involving pregnancy: court case for driver starts

A teenage man, aged 19, allegedly struck a heavily pregnant woman while intoxicated, resulting in her and her unborn baby's deaths. Come Monday, he will face trial at the juvenile criminal court.

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

Monchengladbach is a city. - Woman killed in crash involving pregnancy: court case for driver starts

In November of last year, a tragic car accident occurred in Hückelhoven, within the Heinsberg district. The accused, a 19-year-old man, was allegedly driving drunk at 70 km/h and ran a red light, striking a pregnant woman on the pedestrian crossing. Rather than stopping to tend to the injured woman, the accused continued driving until a witness followed him and stopped him a kilometer away.

Fast forward seven months, and the accused is now set to appear in court at the Mönchengladbach District Court on Monday (9:15 am). He is facing charges of attempted murder and negligent homicide, among other offenses. The young man was initially held in pre-trial detention and later released on bail.

The trial is expected to take four days, with numerous witnesses and experts due to testify. If found guilty, the defendant could potentially face a lengthy prison sentence.

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The pregnant woman in this incident was from North Rhine-Westphalia, where Mönchengladbach is located. The tragic event involved a car and a woman, leading to serious processes in the court of law. The accused, an 19-year-old man, faces charges beyond just the car accident, as it was alleged that he was under the influence and drove recklessly. This incident could potentially be classified as a crime, as it resulted in a loss of life.



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