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Woman Gets Imprisoned for Plotting Homicidal Rampage: Criticism of Received Punishment

Woman stockpiles weapons and plans to go on a rampage. Did two officials narrowly avoid bloodshed for retaliation? Or was it merely a violent imagination? Court remains uncertain, almost.

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

Stuttgart's Long Court - Woman Gets Imprisoned for Plotting Homicidal Rampage: Criticism of Received Punishment

A woman harbored deep hatred towards authorities and held them in contempt, which led her to plan attacks on two public buildings in Fellbach and Waiblingen. She had even acquired weapons for the purpose. On Wednesday, the Stuttgart Regional Court deemed her guilty of this crime and handed down a two-year and eight-month prison sentence. The woman also had a previous conviction for assaulting an 86-year-old woman, as stated by the Waiblingen District Court.

The judge explained that to comprehend her actions, one needs to delve into her life. Suffering under her alcoholic father, being bullied at school, lacking any form of vocational training, and not having any social interactions all played a role in her actions. From her diary entries, it is evident that she yearned for vengeance against state institutions, dubbing it as "Doomsday" or "Day X." She felt belittled by them and had been spurned by an employee at the Fellbach City Hall.

At the comfort of her home, she accumulated an arsenal, including black powder, gas pistols, harpoons, machetes, and knives. She made intricate plans to assault the Fellbach City Hall and Waiblingen District Court with her weaponry and a phony appointment. Her violent musings were documented in her diary. The defendant confessed to the notes in court, asserting that she simply wished to address a portion of her internal outrage and never intended to carry through with the plan. This discovery was made during a house move: Two city employees stumbled upon a paper.

"It's uncertain if the crimes would've ultimately transpired," remarked the judge. "Nevertheless, the court finds that there was genuine intent." The verdict is not final. Within a week, the prosecution or defense can lodge an appeal.

Mayor Gabriele Zull of Fellbach (non-partisan) expressed doubt in the sentence. "The verdict raises implications that require consideration from all involved, particularly those who were affected by the perpetrator's violent schemes," she said. Fellbach's anticipation of the sentence was significantly higher, considering the specificity of the planned crime. The perpetrator did not express regret for her plan. Hence, Fellbach must address this issue in their city administration and liaise with the police on how to respond if she is set free.

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