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Woman appearing in court over death of her partner's mother

A woman, aged 34, hailing from Osnabrück is facing allegations of murdering her partner's mom in Mettingen. During the trial's opening in Münster, she speaks scarcely in response to the severe accusations.

The 23-year-old defendant was sentenced at Münster Regional Court.
The 23-year-old defendant was sentenced at Münster Regional Court.

Munster Regional Court's ruling: - Woman appearing in court over death of her partner's mother

Several months have passed since the brutal killing of a 61-year-old lady from Mettingen in Münsterland. Now, her murder trial has commenced at the Münster District Court. The main suspect is a friend of the victim's son, a 34-year-old Slovakian lady residing in Osnabrück. She's accused of engaging in this heinous crime to obtain the victim's EC card.

The indictment specifies that on December 18, 2023, this suspect rang the doorbell of her friend's mom, forcing her back into her home the moment she opened the door. The prosecution claims that afterwards, the culprit assaulted the senior with multiple sclerosis in the bathroom, then wrapped her head and torso in packaging tape. This act sealed her mouth and nose, which ultimately led to her asphyxiation.

Following the crime, the defendant allegedly attempted to withdraw money from two ATMs in Osnabrück using the victim's EC card. However, since she didn't know the PIN, her efforts to access the money allegedly failed.

At the commencement of the trial, the defendant's attorney disclosed that she would remain silent on the case. While trying to explain her past to the judges, the 34-year-old repeatedly lost her voice, covering her face with her hands and trembling.

In addition to the murder charges, the woman must respond to allegations of theft and computer fraud. Evidently, in November 2022, the defendant is accused of pilfering the victim's EC card and plundering a total of 1700 euros from her bank account. It's said that she exploited the fact that the victim kept her card and PIN in her purse.

Read also:

  1. The murder trial of the Slovakian woman in North Rhine-Westphalia's Münster Regional Court is centering around the death of her friend's mother from Münsterland.
  2. During the trial, it was revealed that the victim's partner's mother's murder was allegedly committed to obtain the victim's EC card, a crime the woman is accused of committing in Osnabrück.
  3. The defence attorney for the 34-year-old woman, residing in Osnabrück, announced her intention to remain silent during the trial, sparking questions from the judges.
  4. The crime scene involved the perpetrator forcing the victim, a 61-year-old lady with multiple sclerosis, back into her home and assaulting her in the bathroom before sealing her mouth and nose with packaging tape, ultimately leading to her death.
  5. Following the crime, the woman is accused of attempting to withdraw money from two ATMs in Osnabrück using the victim's EC card, but her efforts were impeded by not knowing the PIN code.
  6. Apart from the murder charges, the woman is also facing allegations of theft and computer fraud, as she is accused of stealing the victim's EC card and illegally withdrawing 1700 euros from her bank account in November 2022.



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