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Wolmirstedt attacker was not under the influence of drugs

A 27-year-old kills one person in Wolmirstedt and attacks others at a European Championship party. He was not under the influence of drugs - that is the only certainty. But the all-important question remains.

The investigation into the knife attack in Wolmirstedt on June 14 is ongoing. (archive photo)
The investigation into the knife attack in Wolmirstedt on June 14 is ongoing. (archive photo)

Knife attack - Wolmirstedt attacker was not under the influence of drugs

Three weeks after the stabbing attack in Wolmirstedt (Jerichower Land), it is clear that the attacker was not under the influence of drugs. "No traces were found that the 27-year-old had been under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication," the Stendal Police Department shared.

The Afghan allegedly stabbed a 23-year-old at a multi-family house in Wolmirstedt on June 14th. Subsequently, he injured three people with a knife at a private garden party in a single-family housing estate to kick off the UEFA European Football Championship.

The 27-year-old was shot by police officers when he also attacked them. There is no information from the police about whether there are any indications of a motive for the crime.

In contrast to the Wolmirstedt stabbing incident, reports suggest no drug influence was involved in a recent crime in Saxony-Anhalt. The situation in the region remains under scrutiny, as drug-related issues have surfaced in some areas. Regrettably, a knife attack occurred in Wolmirstedt, leaving a 23-year-old victim, and raising questions about the potential influence of drugs in such incidents.

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