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Wolf shooting: result for new regulation expected in January

There is an ongoing dispute about wolves after an increase in sheep killings. At least the federal states have agreed on new regulations and want to make rapid shooting possible. But how easy will it be to implement? The Minister of Agriculture is expecting a quick result.

Agriculture Minister Axel Vogel (Brandenburg).
Agriculture Minister Axel Vogel (Brandenburg).

Minister of Agriculture - Wolf shooting: result for new regulation expected in January

In coordination with other federal states, Brandenburg expects more clarity in January regarding the implementation of regulations for faster wolf culling. Agriculture Minister Axel Vogel (Greens) said in the state parliament on Wednesday that the federal states must now define areas with increased wolf predation and that reasonable herd protection must be defined more clearly. The federal states with the most wolves wanted to coordinate this, and an initial meeting had already taken place. "I am confident that we will reach a result by January."

Minister Vogel announced that he would then discuss how practicable the regulations are with land users and nature conservation associations. With regard to herd protection with electric fences, he also emphasized: "We cannot and do not want to wire the entire landscape."

The federal and state environment ministers agreed to speed up the killing of individual wolves in view of the increased number of grazing animal kills and protests from livestock owners and farmers. Farmers and hunters feel that the regulation agreed at the Conference of Environment Ministers at the beginning of December does not go far enough.

According to the decision of the federal states, in areas with an increased number of wolf kills, it should be possible to obtain a shooting permit as soon as reasonable herd protection has been overcome for the first time and grazing animals have been killed. Another change is that it is not necessary to wait for a DNA analysis first. The federal states must now first define the areas with increased wolf predation. The wolf ordinance must be amended.

The wolf is strictly protected in Germany. Most wolf packs live in Brandenburg (52), followed by Lower Saxony (39) and Saxony (38).

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