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Woidke starts summer tour - more contact with citizens

Brandenburg's SPD state leader Woidke has stated his goal, after the European and local elections, to seek more contact with the people in the state. He now wants to put this into action.

State Parliament Election Campaign - Woidke starts summer tour - more contact with citizens

Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) will strengthen his contact with citizens ahead of the September state election. The SPD state leader and top candidate is launching a summer tour from "Strohballenfest" to "Strohballenfest". He will kick off in Ruhland-Arnsdorf in the Oberspreewald-Lausitz district in the south of the state.

"For the state election on September 22, it's about Brandenburg. That's why direct exchange on site is important to me - just as I do as a state father," Woidke said in response to a query. He invites all Brandenburg residents to come by and talk to him.

From festival to festival across the state

Until August 29, just before the end of the summer holidays, Woidke will tour 24 events across the state at so-called Strohballenfests. According to the SPD, these festivals take place on a farm, village, or market square with a cultural program from the region. "Here, I always get into very good and open conversations with local citizens," Woidke writes on the Instagram platform.

After Ruhland, this week he will continue with visits to Rüdersdorf bei Berlin (Märkisch-Oderland), Michendorf-Wilhelmshorst (Potsdam-Mittelmark), Schwedt/Oder (Uckermark), and Schorfheide (Barnim). Next week, he will be in Steinhöfel (Oder-Spree), Müllrose (Oder-Spree), Beveringen (Prignitz), Großderschau (Havelland), and Niedergörsdorf (Teltow-Fläming).

Woidke: Go out more to the people

After the AfD's victory in the Europa and communal elections in June in Brandenburg, Woidke saw a need for action. "We have to explain things better, we have to go out more to the people," he said in the Deutschlandfunk.

In the latest poll by Insa for the "Bild" newspaper in mid-July, the SPD was at 19 percent behind the AfD at 24 percent and just ahead of the CDU at 18 percent. The SPD has been governing in Brandenburg since 1990, and Woidke has been the head of government for over ten years.

Woidke's summer tour is primarily focused on attending various Strohballenfests across the SPD-led state of Brandenburg, aiming to engage in open conversations with local citizens before the September state election. Recognizing the importance of direct interaction with citizens, the SPD's state leader and top candidate, Dietmar Woidke, emphasized the need for action following the AfD's victory in the June Europa and communal elections.

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