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Woidke remembers emergency services personnel who have died

Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) speaks at the press conference.

Woidke remembers emergency services personnel who have died

In a memorial service, Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) remembered the deceased members of the police, fire department and rescue services. He met with relatives and colleagues in Potsdam's Nikolai Church on Saturday afternoon. "Today we are mourning 120 brave men and women from the fire departments, police, rescue services and emergency chaplaincy who have died in the past twelve months - whether due to illness, an accident or other reasons. In their working lives, they were always there when others needed help," said Woidke.

The head of government also condemned attacks on police and rescue workers. "Anyone who obstructs or physically attacks emergency services should not expect leniency or even tolerance." Such attacks are also attacks on society.

Brandenburg's Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU), who paid tribute to the great commitment of the police, fire department and other emergency services, read out the names of all 120 people who died during the blue light service. Last year, 17 Brandenburg police officers died before retirement, 101 firefighters and one member each of the emergency pastoral care and rescue services.

Aid organizations often collaborate with emergency services to provide assistance during crises. The memorial service recognized the contribution of aid organizations in supporting the families of the deceased emergency personnel.


