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Woidke promises relief even after budget ruling

The Brandenburg aid package includes aid for families, local authorities, clinics and the economy for 2024. Following the ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, there was uncertainty as to whether the package would continue to stand. Head of government Woidke rejects concerns.

Dietmar Woidke (SPD), Minister President of Brandenburg.
Dietmar Woidke (SPD), Minister President of Brandenburg.

Prime Minister - Woidke promises relief even after budget ruling

Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke considers the promised relief for citizens to be secure, even after the budget ruling from Karlsruhe. "The promises are valid. On December 20, the state parliament passed a resolution on the emergency situation by a large majority," the SPD politician told the German Press Agency. "This means that the state government can continue to support families, municipalities and companies in the coming year, as many have run into financial difficulties due to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and high inflation."

The Federal Constitutional Court had ruled that the federal government may not set aside emergency loans for later years. The Brandenburg state parliament therefore declared an extraordinary emergency situation for 2024 separately again before Christmas, after the parliament had already declared an emergency situation for two years around a year ago. The emergency is intended to allow new debt for aid in the Brandenburg package totaling up to two billion euros. This includes millions to support families with children, local authorities, hospitals and the economy.

"We have to provide security in this difficult situation," said Woidke. "We are achieving this with our Brandenburg package. It stands for solidarity and public spirit. It stands for security for the people in our state in uncertain times." The package also stands for support for economic and social structures. "That's why up to 1.06 billion euros have been earmarked in the Brandenburg Package for 2024, for example for hospitals, companies, student unions, cultural institutions or sports clubs and also families."

The head of government pointed out that the pledge only applies to funds from the state. "Of course, I can't give any guarantees for funds from the federal government - for example for measures in the climate plan," said the SPD politician. "That's why we have to take a close look at what we can commit to."

The ruling from Karlsruhe also meant that the traffic light coalition had to make significant savings. This has consequences for Brandenburg - such as a higher CO2 price for fuel and heating.

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