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Woidke is not aiming for a Pisa Minister Presidents' Conference

Following the poor results of German pupils in the Pisa study, Brandenburg's head of government Dietmar Woidke (SPD) believes it is first up to the education ministers. "The current Pisa results and thus the state of the education system at schools in Germany must first be seriously discussed...

Dietmar Woidke (SPD), Minister President of the state of Barndenburg.
Dietmar Woidke (SPD), Minister President of the state of Barndenburg.

Education - Woidke is not aiming for a Pisa Minister Presidents' Conference

Following the poor results of German pupils in the Pisa study, Brandenburg's head of government Dietmar Woidke (SPD) believes it is first up to the education ministers. "The current Pisa results and thus the state of the education system at schools in Germany must first be seriously discussed at the level of the responsible state ministries in conjunction with the KMK," government spokesman Florian Engels told the German Press Agency in Potsdam.

In the study, 15/16-year-olds from Germany achieved the weakest performance values in reading, mathematics and science that have ever been measured for Germany within the framework of Pisa. The study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which was last published on Tuesday, compares performance in industrialized countries.

The chairman of the Bundestag Education Committee, Kai Gehring (Greens), had called for a special MPK of the heads of government of the federal states due to the poor results. He considers the poor education results to be an alarm signal. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz(SPD) also expressed his concern about the disastrous results.

Read also:

  1. Despite the calls from Kai Gehring and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz for a special Minister Presidents' Conference due to the poor education results, Dietmar Woidke, the head of government of Brandenburg, believes that the discussion should first occur at the level of the responsible state ministries in conjunction with the KMK.
  2. Dietmar Woidke, a member of the SPD, is the governor of Brandenburg, a region in Germany that has also experienced its share of disappointing results in the Pisa study.
  3. The Pisa study, conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, reveals that 15/16-year-olds from Germany performed the worst in reading, mathematics, and science among all industrialized countries, including Germany, as measured in previous Pisa studies.
  4. The German Press Agency reported in Potsdam that the current Pisa results and the state of the education system within Germany's schools must be addressed by the education ministers before any high-level discussions or conferences take place.
  5. As a result of the Pisa study, Brandenburg's education system and those of other German provinces are under scrutiny, raising questions about the effectiveness of the current education policies and the need for improvements.


