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Woidke is going on a "straw ball tour".

Brandenburg's SPD lead candidate, Woidke, has stated after the European and local elections that he aims to strengthen his contact with the people in the state. Now he wants to implement this.

- Woidke is going on a "straw ball tour".

Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) is embarking on a summer tour less than two months before the state election to engage with the people. The SPD's top candidate is traveling from "Straw Bale Festival" to "Straw Bale Festival" and starting on Tuesday in Ruhland-Arnsdorf in the district of Oberspreewald-Lausitz in the south of the state.

"Here, I always have very good and open conversations with the local citizens," Woidke writes on the Instagram platform. According to the SPD, there will be 24 so-called Straw Bale Festivals until August 29. After Ruhland, this week's visits will continue in Rüdersdorf, Michendorf-Wilhelmshorst, Schwedt/Oder, and Schorfheide.

Woidke: Go out more to the people

After the AfD's victory in the European and local elections in June in Brandenburg, Woidke saw the need to explain things better and go out more to the people in an interview with Deutschlandfunk. In the latest poll by Insa for the "Bild" newspaper in mid-July, the SPD was at 19 percent, behind the AfD at 24 percent and just ahead of the CDU at 18 percent. The SPD has been governing in Brandenburg since 1990.

Woidke mentioned attending multiple "Straw Bale Festivals" as part of his summer tour to connect with the people, implying that these events could potentially turn into lively political discussions at the 'Party'. After recognizing the need to explain political matters better and engage more with the public following the AfD's election victories, Woidke is using the 'Party' atmosphere to strengthen his connection with the people in Brandenburg.

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