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Woidke: Coal phase-out in 2030 is "not realistic"

Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) believes that an early coal phase-out in 2030 is not feasible. "In my view, that is not realistic," said Woidke on Thursday during a press trip to Lusatia. "We must not saw at the branch we are sitting on." The head of government is calling...

Dietmar Woidke (SPD), Minister President of Brandenburg, stands on the observation tower on
Dietmar Woidke (SPD), Minister President of Brandenburg, stands on the observation tower on the edge of the Cottbus Baltic Sea.

Energy - Woidke: Coal phase-out in 2030 is "not realistic"

Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) believes that an early coal phase-out in 2030 is not feasible. "In my view, that is not realistic," said Woidke on Thursday during a press trip to Lusatia. "We must not saw at the branch we are sitting on." The head of government is calling for a reliable and affordable energy supply and energy independence in order to keep value creation in the state.

The phase-out of lignite-fired power generation in 2038 has been legally agreed for Lusatia. An earlier phase-out date is repeatedly being debated. For the Rhenish mining area, politicians and the energy company RWE agreed to bring forward the phase-out by eight years to 2030. Gas-fired power plants are also to be operated with renewable hydrogen on a transitional basis. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) is also aiming for an earlier phase-out for the coal regions in eastern Germany, but there is resistance to this.

Woidke said: "We need a regulated phase-out of lignite in order to secure the financing of the post-mining landscape and the restoration of the water balance." In Lusatia, a development towards new and secure industrial jobs is necessary.

Woidke is also calling for lower electricity prices in regions that generate a lot of renewable energy, such as Brandenburg. "I want renewable energy to be consumed here in the region." This is necessary for economic development in Lusatia, for example, and ensures low electricity prices. "I have no interest in sending my renewable electricity to Bavaria, for example."

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