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WLAN available in all light rail vehicles in Hanover

More service: Passengers can now surf the Internet free of charge on all light rail vehicles in Hanover.

Free WLAN can now be used during the journey on light rail vehicles in Hanover.
Free WLAN can now be used during the journey on light rail vehicles in Hanover.

Free WLAN - WLAN available in all light rail vehicles in Hanover

Passengers of all Hannover tram lines can surf the internet for free during their journey starting from now. A free WLAN network is also available in the two tunnel stations "Aegidientorplatz" and "Kropcke", as a spokesperson for the Hannover Verkehrsbetriebe Uestra announced. The city buses have been equipped with free WLAN since September 2020.

Approximately eight million Euros will be invested in the WLAN expansion in total. The Ministry of Transport supports this project with nearly 4.6 million Euros from the Niedersachsen Gemeindeverkehrsfinanzierungsgesetz (NGVFG). The remaining costs are being covered by the Hanover region.

"With the funding of this project, we are improving Hannover's digital infrastructure and making public transport even more attractive," said Niedersachsen's Transport Minister Olaf Lies (SPD). The user connects to the WLAN network via the settings on their smartphone. The user searches for available WLAN networks with their phone and selects "UESTRA_free_WIFI".

  1. The WLAN expansion project, which receives significant funding from Lower Saxony's Ministry of Transport and the Hanover region, aims to provide free Wifi on Hannover's light rail system as well.
  2. The convenience of free Wifi is not limited to trams and city buses in Hannover; soon, even commuters using the Hanover railroad will be able to enjoy this perk during their journey.
  3. As Consumers travel through Hannover, they can expect reliable Wifi connectivity, whether they're using the tram lines, the railroad, or even waiting at stations like Aegidientorplatz or Kropcke.

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