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Witnesses report swimmers in high water

A swimmer in the flood area of Hanover has triggered an unnecessary large-scale operation. "We are stunned," said fire department spokesman Kristof Schwake on Thursday. According to him, a large contingent of up to 100 people, boats, divers, drones and a helicopter were deployed in the urban...

Emergencies - Witnesses report swimmers in high water

A swimmer in the flood area of Hanover has triggered an unnecessary large-scale operation. "We are stunned", said fire department spokesman Kristof Schwake on Thursday. According to him, a large contingent of up to 100 people, boats, divers, drones and a helicopter were deployed in the urban area for nothing.

In the morning, a woman had initially reported that a person might have been swept away by the current in the high water, said fire department spokesman Schwake. The emergency services had been deployed over a wide area of the city because there is sometimes a high current speed in the flood area, which is underestimated - and a person could have drifted a long way.

During the search, other witnesses contacted the fire department who had seen a swimmer in a wetsuit and swimming cap. The swimmer got out of the water and rode off on his bike.

"We have been warning people for days not to voluntarily go near the flood water," said Schwake. On New Year's Day, a 70-year-old woman floated in the Leine in Hanover in strong currents. The unconscious woman was rescued by a fire boat, but died a short time later in hospital.

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