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Withdrawal: Publishers Establish Terms for Collaboration with ARD and ZDF

Valdo Lehari, head of Südwest-Verlag, hasn't ruled out teaming up with ARD and ZDF on digital services like media libraries. However, certain conditions must be met, he stated in a conversation with Deutsche Presse-Agentur. The primary prerequisite is "resolving any other challenges with the...

Valdo Lehari jr., Chairman of the Association of Southwest German Newspaper Publishers (VSZV),...
Valdo Lehari jr., Chairman of the Association of Southwest German Newspaper Publishers (VSZV), pictured during a reception.

Innovation in the Digital Realm - Withdrawal: Publishers Establish Terms for Collaboration with ARD and ZDF

ARD and ZDF have plans to partner up on technology for their media libraries in the future, aiming to prevent unnecessary overlap. This software should be open source, allowing other media to take advantage of it as well. This news was shared in early May by ARD Chairman Kai Gniffke and ZDF Managing Director Norbert Himmler.

Nonetheless, the Association of Southwest German Publishers (VSZV) anticipates considerable obstacles for such a collaboration. Thanks to the Federal Association (BDZV) criticizing some of the online offerings from ARD institutions in the network, they view this as an unlawful, "press-like" competition.

Regarding the disagreement around press-like competition, VSZV Chairperson Lehari - who additionally serves on the BDZV board - expressed his stance: "We're compelled to visit Brussels and head to court because we can't come to a compromise." A legal battle with the Southwest Broadcasting Corporation (SWR) over its news app "Newszone" is one such example. Gniffke serves as the ARD Chairman and the Managing Director of SWR.

Lehari also touched on the prospect of a technological cooperation with public broadcasters, stating, "Given such conflicts, it's tough to neutrally celebrate 'Hooray for technology!' and instantly start the process." He called for specific conditions to be addressed first, like trust-building measures.

Moreover, VSZV Chairperson Lehari underlined the importance of clarity in terms of rules for a technological partnership. This includes determining whether operating technology is part of the public service mandate. The VSZV will have its annual meeting in Stuttgart on Wednesday.

VSZV Annual Report

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