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Withdrawal of Deselection Proposal Against Potsdam Mayor Schubert

Per Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB)'s report, the motion to impeach Potsdam's mayor, Mike Schubert (SPD), due to alleged corruption, has been withdrawn following a majority decision by parliamentary group chairmen on Friday. Initially, the motion had support from the AfD parliamentary group,...

Mike Schubert
Mike Schubert

Withdrawal of Deselection Proposal Against Potsdam Mayor Schubert

In late May, the city council set the ball rolling on a procedure. following a mandatory four-week cooling-off period, the city congress had the option to vote on a citizen's petition for Schubert's recall, starting from the 24th of June. The local law enforcement is currently scrutinizing Schubert, a 51-year-old, over allegations of bribery.

According to the prosecutors, Schubert stand accused of getting free VIP passes and luxury services for his spouse at SC Potsdam sports events and the German Football Cup final, with a single ticket fetching at least 100 Euro. Moreover, speculations point towards VIP season tickets of the football club SV Babelsberg 03 worth approximately 4800 Euro. Schubert defends himself by claiming these benefits were related to his representative duties. He's been serving as the mayor of the Brandenburg state capital since 2018.

Read also:

  1. The suspension of the deselection motion against Potsdam's Lord Mayor Mike Schubert, who faces suspicion of corruption, was initiated by the city council.
  2. RBB reported that the SPD and CDU parties in Potsdam have decided not to proceed with the deselection of Mayor Schubert, despite the allegations.
  3. Mike Schubert, the embattled Lord Mayor of Potsdam, is being investigated by local law enforcement over bribery allegations, including free VIP passes and luxury services.
  4. According to RBB, Mike Schubert, a 51-year-old politician and member of the SPD, claims that the benefits he received were related to his representative duties.
  5. The withdrawal of the deselection proposal against Potsdam Mayor Mike Schubert comes after the city congress had a chance to vote on a citizen's petition for his recall, starting from June 24th.
  6. Potsdam's Mayor, Mike Schubert, who has served in the role since 2018, is under scrutiny for alleged bribery in relation to VIP passes and luxury services at sports events and the German Football Cup final.
  7. The CDU and AfD parties in Potsdam have agreed not to support the deselection motion against Mike Schubert, although RBB reports that there is still suspicion of corruption in the case.



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