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With information posters against ignorance and hatred of Jews

A nationwide poster campaign is now also aimed at preventing prejudice against Jews in Thuringia. The posters, some of which have a colorful and trendy design, address questions about Jewish life.

Nationwide poster campaign - With information posters against ignorance and hatred of Jews

A special poster campaign is also to counter hatred of Jews in Thuringia. Thuringia's commissioner for Jewish life and the fight against anti-Semitism, Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff, will open the campaign in Erfurt on Tuesday, the state chancellery announced on Saturday. The "Question Wall" campaign by the Berlin association "ELNET" aims to educate people about Judaism in Germany and Israel. Thuringia is supporting the poster campaign with 8000 euros.

At the opening, the focus will be on a poster on an advertising space with the question "Is Hanukkah the Jewish Christmas"? A representative of the association will also be present, it said. "The posters are intended as an invitation to dialog: We experience every day that anti-Semitism is an increasingly serious problem in our society," said Hoff. A lack of knowledge and prejudices are the cause and contribute to this.

The campaign posters are displayed in around 50 cities in Germany. In Thuringia, there will be around 40 locations, three of them in Erfurt. The motifs, some of which are colorful, are accompanied by a question about Judaism and a short answer. Those interested can find further information via a QR code on the association's website.

The short answer to the question about Hanukkah, for example, is: "No, but Hanukkah is also a festival of lights and falls at Christmas time." The website goes on to say that the two holidays have nothing to do with each other. Hanukkah commemorates the liberation of the temple in Jerusalem in 164 BC.

Anti-Semitic incidents also occur time and again in Thuringia. Most recently, for example, memorial notes were burned at the synagogue in Erfurt.

ELNET's question wall campaign

Read also:

  1. Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff, Thuringia's commissioner for Jewish life and the fight against anti-Semitism, noted that the poster campaign aimed to combat an increasingly serious issue of anti-Semitism in society, attributing it to a lack of knowledge and prejudices.
  2. In support of the nationwide poster campaign, Thuringia is providing 8000 euros, with the focus of the campaign in Erfurt centered on a poster asking if Hanukkah is the Jewish Christmas.
  3. The poster campaign, organized by the Berlin association "ELNET," will display informative posters in around 50 cities across Germany, including approximately 40 locations in Thuringia and three in Erfurt, with colorful motifs and accompanying questions about Judaism.
  4. During the campaign, a representative of ELNET will be present at the opening event in Erfurt, where curious individuals can scan a QR code on the posters to access further information on the association's website.
  5. Thuringia has also experienced anti-Semitic incidents, such as the recent case of memorial notes being burned at the synagogue in Erfurt, emphasizing the need for unity and understanding to combat ignorance and hatred.


